Monday, April 18, 2011

Adapting Yoga for Disabilities Workshop Recap

As my mind races to process and absorb all the information that was presented at this amazing workshop, I can only think of words like Hope, Inspiration, Need, Awe, Humbleness, Renewal, Gratitude....  The list could continue but I'm assuming you get the idea.

Thank you to Matthew, Andy, Julie, Pat, Jeff, Tiffany, Joe, Tom, LizAnne and all the other teachers that opened my eyes and my heart to so much hope for a better life and unity of spirit among us all.  There were so many times I felt as if I was the person with the disability because there were times I didn't know how to move properly and couldn't draw in all the information.

Only a quarter of the class was from Minnesota, the rest were from all over the country to learn and bring back the information to their communities. There is great need.

Yoga is truly the union of body, mind and soul and guiding ALL of us to find that connection will unite us all.  If we begin to look past the exterior of a person and take a peek into their heart we are all striving to move in the same direction to find inner peace, connection and lightness.  We may call it something different and arrive in different cars and take different routes, but the destination is the same.

Take a little time to browse the Mind, Body Solutions website and learn how yoga is changing the lives of so many.  We are all students and all teachers, listen for the lesson.



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