What are they doing in there? Why do they look so calm when they leave? I'm not flexible enough. I don't have a 'yoga' mat. My____________ hurts (insert your ailment). I don't know anybody in the class. I've never done yoga and they will know and laugh when I do it wrong............and 1000 other reasons you've come up with.
We've all been there peaking under our armpits trying to figure out what's going on and wondering why the teacher keeps talking about inhaling and exhaling. I do that all the time and seem to get along just fine. I'm still alive right, and you have to inhale and exhale to be alive.
I've been teaching Sun Salutation Basics workshops the last couple of months, helping students break down Surya Namaskar A & B from the ground up. In each class there are students that have practiced for years and for some it's their first exploration into the practice. My joy comes when students come to class after the workshop and seeing a more ease in their practice. It's a reminder that "It's Just Yoga" and to find the balance between effort and surrender.
If you've tried yoga a few times and want to learn more, one private lesson may change the way you practice. You can also check with local studios that offer privates or check for workshops that break down the basics, or look for super basic beginners class or series of classes.
Most importantly, remember "Practice and All Is Coming."
Visit my website for upcoming workshops and classes. Transitions Yoga